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DARRYL BOOTH, General Manager - Accela

Darryl Booth is the General Manager of Accela's Environmental Health Division, which serves over 50 CUPAs. With over twenty years' experience in Public Health and Informatics, Darryls passions include promoting field inspection solutions, GIS, open data, engineering data exchanges, collaborative data standards, and all other technical matters which can propel government services. Darryl and his colleagues worked with California CUPAs since SB 1082 and helped work out the complexities of a CUPA Data Dictionary, Electronic Data Transfer (EDT), and Violation and Checklist Libraries for 48 CUPAs. Now that the initial CERS and EDT standards are built and normalized, Darryl is now looking forward to re-assessing those early requirements considering CERS capabilities and CUPAs practices. Darryl has an MBA from the Craig School of Business and a BS in Business Administration from California State University, Fresno. He sits on several federal, state, and regional committees and is fanatical about environmental health.

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